Interruptions are a productivity drain.
Try not to interrupt people especially your boss. Your boss should be a last resource after you try other sources. Value his or her time. How to deal with people who interrupt you?
Tracking interruptions is a start.
On the other hand, track who and how often you interrupt people. Make sure to put a value on people's time. Instead of texting can you send someone an email? What are some common interruptions:
What interrupts you? Be aware of this as you might have some bad habits that are preventing your success. Strategies to avoid interruptions
Go to this list for a random method to try for the day. Being interrupted is a productivity drain. Find ways to better manage it and your happiness will increase. Limiting interruption is a key principle for success. If you're being interrupted too often, you can't get your job done. Limiting interruption is a key principle for success. What interrupts you from reaching your goals? This may be the most important thing to identify. You first need to have clear goals. Then identify if there is something that's interrupting or preventing you from reaching your goals? Getting back on track after interruptions This habit is key to being productive. How fast can you get back to what you were working on? One technique is to write your current task on an index card or stick note. If you get interrupted then just look at the note and you're back on track with what you were doing. You can also use this to figure out what you did for the day or keep your to-do list |