When I was younger I spent time figuring things out. The first bike I bought was a Ross brand and I spent about $100 on it. After not to long, the wheel got bent and didn't work properly. So I bought a new rim and tried unsuccessfully to fix the bent rim. Now I knew that the worst that would happen would be I'd fail to fix the wheel, but could bring it to a bike shop to fix. I started a rule that if I couldn't break something that was broken and I wouldn't pay to fix it, I would at least give it a try. Since this time I've taken many things apart and actually have fixed some. I was always curious how things worked. If you're curious, there is a treasure trove of information available on the internet to keep you busy for a lifetime. So if your bicycle is broken, see if you can figure out what's wrong. As long as you don't damage it anymore. I believe that this skill of figuring things out has been important to my success. I've figured out how to: