Do you have clear goals? If you don't, you're missing out on a tool that will sky rocket your productivity. The clearer your goals the more focused you will be. And a better focus will make everything easier. Once your goals are clear they need to be prioritized. After starting these two steps your odds of success has increased tremendously. As success is nothing more than achieving your goals not someone else's. When doing a task think, "Is this bringing me closer to my goals? Is this my MIT (Most Important Task)?" When prioritizing ask, "Which task brings me closer to my goals?" When helping others ask, "Will this help me reach my goal?" Make sure you have a list of your goals and view them two times every day. Once in the morning and once before you go to bed. Use the Reaching-a-goal-with-the-MEAT-method.html>,MEAT Method to help reach your goals. Most goals can be broken down into the following four categories:
Longevity is anything to do with health, safety, children, leaving a legacy. $ecurity is anything that gives you money security, like a job, learning new skills, the ability to get and hold a job, business, investing. Fun is anything that gives you enjoyment, whether food, games, friends, movies, hiking, love, writing, skating, biking, the beach, drinking, getting high, etc. Avoiding Pain I thought for a time there were only three goals but I had a fourth category that didn't go to any of the three goals. Such as clutter at home, bad habits, things I disliked, reducing pain, etc. |